
The Staging Area
Area includes 8 plots, paid electric connection, Drinking water charge, Grey and black water discharge.
The Area, 200 m from the Old Town and 500 m from the Castle, is lighted and partially treed.
Dante Square
43°25’52.73″ N – 12°51’14.29″ E
All Services

Free Access

Annual Opening

Paid Electricity Connection

Water Load

Waste Water Discharge

Empty-Cassette Service

Asphalt Bottom

Illuminated Area

Pets Allowed

The Staging Area
Area includes 8 plots, paid electric connection, Drinking water charge, Grey and black water discharge.
The Area, 200 m from the Old Town and 500 m from the Castle, is lighted and partially treed.
Dante Square
43°25'52.73″ N - 12°51'14.29″ E
Tel: +39 338 612803
+39 0732 956203
- E-mail:
All Services

Free Access

Annual Opening

Paid Electricity Connection

Water Load

Waste Water Discharge

Empty-Cassette Service

Asphalt Bottom

Illuminated Area

Pets Allowed


L'Area di sosta
L’Area comprende 8 piazzole, allaccio elettrico a pagamento, Carico acqua potabile, Scarico acque grigie e nere.
L'Area, a 200 m dal Centro storico e a 500 m dal Castello, è illuminata e parzialmente alberata.
Piazzale Dante
43°25’52.73″ N – 12°51’14.29″ E
Tel.: +39 338 612803
+39 0732 956203
- E-mail:
Tutti i Servizi

Accesso Gratuito

Apertura Annuale

Allaccio Elettrico a Pagamento

Carico Acqua

scarico Acque Reflue

Servizio Svuota-cassette

Fondo Asfaltato

Area Illuminata

Animali Ammessi

Altre Info
L'Area di Sosta dista circa 200 m dal Centro Storico e 500 m dal Castello.
Il Castello di Sassoferrato è uno dei castelli medievali meglio conservati al livello architettonico delle Marche. Nel centro storico del castello si possono osservare caratteristici vicoli medievali con portali gotici e il palazzo dei Priori, realizzato nel 1355 , fu ultimato intorno al 1500. Il palazzo ospita la sala consiliare del municipio e ospita il Museo civico archeologico e la Raccolta perottiana.
Il borgo di Sassoferrato è circondato da due parchi ed immerso tra le montagne dell’Appennino Umbro Marchigiano, riservato e fermo nel tempo come gli amorevoli dipinti del celebre pittore Giovan Battista Salvo, custoditi e visitabili all’interno della Civica Raccolta d’Arte e del Monastero di Santa Chiara. Ma Il “gioiello” più prezioso del patrimonio artistico della città è l’Icona di San Demetrio, un minuscolo mosaico ligneo di epoca bizantina (XIV Secolo). L’icona raffigura San Demetrio in veste di guerriero e appartiene alla prestigiosa Raccolta Perottiana di reliquiari bizantini, custodita nel museo civico di Sassoferrato.
Il Parco Archeologico di Sentinum è ritenuto uno dei siti archeologici più rilevanti delle Marche. Qui sorgeva l’antica Sentinum, prosperosa città romana le cui vestigia arricchiscono musei in tutto il mondo.
All’interno di un suggestivo scenario naturale, il Parco Archeominerario di Cabernardi offre un’esperienza di visita unica, permettendo di attraversare i luoghi e gli impianti di estrazione dello zolfo, l’oro giallo di Cabernardi. Buona parte delle strutture fuori terra è visitabile, tra cui i calcaroni, i forni Gill, la centrale a vapore, il piano inclinato per il traino dei vagoncini, la galleria di servizio e l’ingegneristico pozzo Donegani.
Nei Dintorni
Lago di Garda
VisitaParco Sigurtà
VisitaCastellaro Lagusello (6 Km)
VisitaNatura Viva
VisitaBorghetto (4 Km)
VisitaLink Utili

Comune di Sassoferrato
tel: +3907629561

Pro Loco

Guida Turistica
tel: +390732956257

I Borghi più Belli d'Italia
tel: +3906 45650688
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The Parking Area is about 200 m from the Old Town and 500 m from the Castle.
Sassoferrato Castle is one of the best preserved medieval castles at the architectural level in the Marche region. In the historic center of the castle, characteristic medieval alleys with Gothic portals can be seen, and the Palazzo dei Priori, built in 1355 , was completed around 1500. The building houses the council chamber of the city hall and houses the Civic Archaeological Museum and the Perottian Collection.
The village of Sassoferrato is surrounded by two parks and nestled in the mountains of the Umbro Marchigiano Apennines, as reserved and firm in time as the loving paintings of the famous painter Giovan Battista Salvo, which are kept and can be visited inside the Civica Raccolta d'Arte and the Monastery of Santa Chiara. But The most precious "jewel" of the city's artistic heritage is theIcon of St. Demetrius, a tiny wooden mosaic from the Byzantine period (14th Century). The icon depicts St. Demetrius in the guise of a warrior and belongs to the prestigious Perottiana Collection of Byzantine reliquaries, housed in the Sassoferrato Civic Museum.
The Sentinum Archaeological Park is considered one of the most significant archaeological sites in the Marche region. Here stood ancient Sentinum, a prosperous Roman city whose vestiges enrich museums around the world.
Within an evocative natural setting, the Cabernardi Archaeo-mineral Park offers a unique visitor experience, allowing visitors to walk through the places and facilities where sulfur, Cabernardi's yellow gold, was mined. Much of the above-ground structures can be visited, including the limestone, the Gill furnaces, the steam plant, the inclined plane for hauling wagons, the service gallery, and the engineered Donegani shaft.
Lake Garda
VisitSigurtà Park
VisitCastellaro Lagusello (6 Km)
VisitNatura Viva
VisitBorghetto (4 Km)
VisitUseful Links

Municipality of Sassoferrato
tel: +3907629561

Pro Loco

Tour Guide
tel: +390732956257

The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy
tel: +3906 45650688
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The Parking Area is about 200 m from the Old Town and 500 m from the Castle.
Sassoferrato Castle is one of the best preserved medieval castles at the architectural level in the Marche region. In the historic center of the castle, characteristic medieval alleys with Gothic portals can be seen, and the Palazzo dei Priori, built in 1355 , was completed around 1500. The building houses the council chamber of the city hall and houses the Civic Archaeological Museum and the Perottian Collection.
The village of Sassoferrato is surrounded by two parks and nestled in the mountains of the Umbro Marchigiano Apennines, as reserved and firm in time as the loving paintings of the famous painter Giovan Battista Salvo, which are kept and can be visited inside the Civica Raccolta d’Arte and the Monastery of Santa Chiara. But The most precious “jewel” of the city’s artistic heritage is theIcon of St. Demetrius, a tiny wooden mosaic from the Byzantine period (14th Century). The icon depicts St. Demetrius in the guise of a warrior and belongs to the prestigious Perottiana Collection of Byzantine reliquaries, housed in the Sassoferrato Civic Museum.
The Sentinum Archaeological Park is considered one of the most significant archaeological sites in the Marche region. Here stood ancient Sentinum, a prosperous Roman city whose vestiges enrich museums around the world.
Within an evocative natural setting, the Cabernardi Archaeo-mineral Park offers a unique visitor experience, allowing visitors to walk through the places and facilities where sulfur, Cabernardi’s yellow gold, was mined. Much of the above-ground structures can be visited, including the limestone, the Gill furnaces, the steam plant, the inclined plane for hauling wagons, the service gallery, and the engineered Donegani shaft.