
The Staging Area

The Prà del Vescovo rest area has 15 RV spaces, on a paved surface. It is equipped with essential services. Deposit card 5 euro returned on exit, payments can only be made with credit cards. Maximum stay 72 hours.

Annual opening.

The area is constantly monitored by members of the “Camper Club Feltrino e Primiero”.

The area is located near the Ice Rink, about 500 meters from the center.

There are 4 taps for water loading (one of which can be used even in winter as it is equipped with frost resistance), wooden benches, and loading and unloading in a secluded place bordered by green flower beds.
Adjacent parking lots are off limits to RVs.


Via Gaggia – 32032 Feltre (Belluno)


46° 1′ 11.856″ N 11° 54′ 28.728″ E


Tel: +39 800 035 198

E-mail: info@areasostacamperfeltre.it

All Services

Accesso convenzionato

Entrance fee only Credit Card Agreed

Apertura annuale

Annual Opening

Allacciamento elettrico

Electrical Connection

Carico Acqua

Water Load

Scarico acque reflue

Waste Water Discharge

Scarico wc chimico

Empty-Cassette Service

Fondo pavimentato

Paved Bottom

Fondo asfaltato

Asphalt Bottom

Accesso con sbarra

Controlled Input

Wi Fi



Illuminated Area

Animali ammessi

Pets Allowed

Area Picnic

Picnic Area

More Info

Piazza Maggiore crowns the top of Goat Hill, a relief where Feltre was built over the centuries. The citadel, one of the most picturesque and interesting in the entire Belluno area, is protected by the 15th-century walls in which three gates open – Porta Imperiale, Porta Oria and Porta Pusterla.

From Piazza Maggiore, the heart of the citadel, it is possible to admire the palaces that surround it and in particular the Castle of Alboino, which towers at the highest point of the Hill with its two towers visible from all roads leading to Feltre.

At the center of Piazza Maggiore two majestic stone figures of Feltre personalities dominate the center of the citadel: Panfilo Castaldi (1430 – 1485/95), inventor of letterpress printing, and Vittorino da Feltre, an important humanist and educator of some of Italy’s noblest families.

In summer every year this wonderful stage hosts the historical parades of the four districts participating in the “Palio di Feltre” and the “Artistic and Traditional Crafts Exhibition.”


Belluno Dolomites National Park

Shrine of Saints Victor and Crown

Agility Forest Adventure Park

Useful Links

Municipality of Feltre

Feltre Tourist Office

Tour Guide

Camper Club Feltrino e Primiero

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