Barberino di Mugello

The Staging Area

RV area for about 40 places on the shores of Lake Bilancino in Mugello, managed “by the Pro Loco Association for Barberino,” the area has RV sites marked out on erbablocks, reception for tourists, wooden structures with toilets, showers, wash basins and dish sinks. Two marked camper services and water charge.
Adjacent to, but independent of, the RV parking area, the area also has a volleyball court for Park and Lake users and a bike path accessible to all.

The area is also equipped with numerous facilities including facilities for the disabled and picnic area. The space is lighted and video monitored.

Open year-round.


Via del Lago – Loc. Andolaccio – 50031 Barberino di Mugello (Florence)


43° 59′ 20.688″ N 11° 14′ 29.3352″ E


Tel: +39 3240872050

All Services

Accesso a pagamento

Paid admission

Apertura annuale

Annual Opening

Allacciamento elettrico

Electrical Connection

Carico Acqua

Water Load

Scarico acque reflue

Waste Water Discharge

Scarico wc chimico

Empty-Cassette Service

WC (1)

Toilet facilities

Docce Calde

Hot showers 0.50 €/ 4 min

Fondo Ghiaia

Gravelly Bottom

Accesso con sbarra

Controlled Input

Wi Fi



Video Surveillance Area


Illuminated Area



Parco Giochi


Area Picnic

Picnic Area

Area Barbeque

Barbeque Area

Animali ammessi

Pets Allowed

Mezzi pubblici

Public transportation

Diversamente Abili

Services for the Disabled

Centro commerciale

Barberino Designer Outlet a few km

More Info

Barberino di Mugello was a medieval village that arose at the foot of the ancient Cattani Castle. In the historic center are the Praetorian Palace, the ancient Pieve di San Silvestro, beautiful mansions, and a 15th-century loggia attributed to Michelozzo is visible in the square.

The Villa of Cafaggiolo, which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013, is Barberino’s most valuable monument: it belonged to Cosimo il Vecchio, who asked Michelozzo to transform the palace into a villa where the city lord could restore his spirit and mind. And so did Lorenzo the Magnificent, who is said to have composed the famous poem “La Nencia da Barberino” here. Today the villa cannot be visited because it is under complete renovation, but it is clearly visible on the “Bolognese” road from Barberino to San Piero a Sieve.

Inevitable for those coming to this part of Mugello is a stop along the shores of Lake Bilancino, which allows for sports such as canoeing, sailing and windsurfing or swimming or fishing for carp, chub, perch and pike. There is a well-equipped bathing establishment, and around the banks there are trails and bike paths where you can go hiking, jogging, or take a leisurely mountain bike ride.

Saturday is Market Day in the village.

In the last weekend of October, the “Truffle Exhibition Market” is held, an event that offers the opportunity to buy truffles and many other local products. The event will also feature a market and the classic display of classic cars and motorcycles as well as entertainment by street performers.

In the last week of May, however, “Cantà Maggio” takes place: this traditional event features games for the awarding of the Palio and evenings of entertainment organized by the various districts.

On the evening of August 15, however, you can admire the Fireworks on Lake Bilancino.


Flaminia Militare and the "Vie Romee"

Mugello Circuit


Borgo San Lorenzo



Useful Links

Municipality of Barberino di Mugello

Pro Loco

Tour Guide

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