Dear Presidents and Associates of ACTItalia,

tomorrow will be a special day: the 82nd anniversary of the founding of our Federation. It was March 9, 1940 when the Minister of Popular Culture Pavolini published the Ministerial Decree in which the National Councilor Galeazzo Guidi was entrusted with establishing the Association of Tourist Campers of Italy. Named ACTI with Luigi Bergera General Secretary.


In a volume of the 1941 Monks Guide, which is in the State Archives in Rome, what is reported here beside is indicated.

We have come a long way since then and today we can all be proud of ACTItalia’s role in the Itinerant Tourism sector.

But our strength and the results achieved must be sought and attributed to people: to the Presidents and Boards of Directors that have followed one another over the years and to all of you Clubs, Presidents and members who have supported and contributed to disseminating and supporting our projects, proposals and more relevant initiatives.

A particular recognition to our honorary President Camillo Musso who with his 93 years is the historical mind of many past events and a precious collector of reference documents. This year one of his books will be released that will introduce us to the history of “camping”, from the dawn to the early 2000s, with a narration of how over time people have approached outdoor tourism.

Actitalia is your home, it is the “big family” to which you can dedicate some of your time, it is a reality permeated by a sense of pride and belonging. Thanks to your support we are acquiring a well-defined role in the world of Plein air, and we will be able to do much more with the collaboration of other Federations and Associations that have the same objectives and projects as us.

I appreciate you for what you do and for contributing, with your commitment, to maintaining the high levels of ACTItalia performance and results, which are essential to improve our expectations more and more.

Receiving the right stimuli from you will help us to always have the tenacity to move forward in our goals by putting our hearts in all our projects.



The President Guido Chiari “